Farming Home & Garden

Make Your Own Fertilizer

You don’t need to buy fertilizers anymore because you can now make your own fertilizer using home-based ingredients.

The best way to prepare homemade fertilizers is by creating your own concoction out of simple kitchen items. For example, you can use banana peels, coffee grounds, Epsom salt, etc. These are the most basic ingredients that are easy to obtain from any nearby store.

In this article, we will be going over the details of why homemade fertilizers are effective, what fundamentals you need to consider, and how you can make these on your own despite being a first-timer to the task.

So, without any further ado, let’s get started.

Farm Supplies Farming

Solar for Farmers: Take the first step towards using renewable energy for your farm

As farmers we are always looking for ways to save money and increase our profits. One way we can do this is by using solar panels to power our farms.

Solar energy is a renewable resource, which means it can be used over and over again. This makes it a very sustainable option for powering farms. In addition, solar energy is reliable and affordable.

Doing a solar installation can be significantly increase yields for your farm (or even a ranch!) without taking up too much land.

Farming Home & Garden Homesteading

How to set up your Greenhouse – a beginner’s guide

Are you ready to get started with your own greenhouse? Fantastic! In this article we’ll give you a complete rundown of how to set up your greenhouse, what to plant in there and how to make sure you get your first starter-greenhouse-harvest, yummy!

The first thing you need to do is draw out a plan of what you want your greenhouse to look like and choose the best possible location for it on your property.

This is important because if the site isn’t suitable for your house or if it has poor drainage, you could be setting yourself up for some major issues.

Once you’ve found the perfect location, measure out how large you want to build your greenhouse for your garden so that your plans are accurate.